





Executor Duties.

It is the duty of the executor to deal with all matters in regard to the estate of the deceased. As such it will be that persons task to be the main point of contact with the following offices. 


The Coroner.

The coroner will require a post mortem to be carried out to establish the cause of death. Depending on the findings of the post mortem will result in maters moving in one of two ways. If the cause of death was straight forward and the events surrounding the death easily explained then it is most likely that the body will be realised to the family. If there is a need to establish more information concerning events then it may result in an inquest been held and delays in releasing the body


Register’s Office.

Once the Coroners department are happy with events they will notify the Registers office. You will need to go to your local office to obtain copies of the death certificate. You will need a number of copies as they will need to be seen by funeral directors, banks, insurance companies, pension providers, council officials etc. you will have to pay for each copy. The coroner’s office is a very good source of information and I found them willing to answer questions and provide guidance.




At some point in life we all lose someone close to us, this can be a very traumatic time for those involved. The follow few pages are aimed as a guide to some of the things you will come across when dealing with bereavement. It is not a definitive guide but notes on things I encountered which I hope will be of help to others.